Non-NHS services

The NHS does not cover for some services under its contract and therefore non-NHS work will attract charges. Some of these services are:

  • Private sick notes (sick notes required for fewer than 7 continuous days off work)
  • Insurance forms
  • Holiday cancellation forms
  • Medical reports
  • Fitness to travel certificates
  • Private prescriptions
  • Some vaccinations services.

Our fees for these services are in line with BMA approved national guidelines and are displayed in the surgery.

Private Letters

The Practice adheres to the BMA recommended charges for private letters. For a further list of our charges please click here.

Firearms Certificates

To apply for a firearms certificate, please follow this link to access Medi2Data who are handling these requests on our behalf.

The completed paperwork will be sent to you, your GP surgery, AND the firearms department/constabulary.

For more information on this service please look at this leaflet: