If you are managing the health of another person, you can apply for proxy access. This provides access to the person’s online account to:
- Book and view appointments
- Order medication
- Access to medical records
Proxy Access on Behalf of Children
People with parental responsibility for children have the right to access their children’s records. This is in most cases. Not all parents have parental responsibility. Proxy access for parents and guardians to a child’s record is a practice-level decision.
If you care for a child aged under 16, and you have legal parental responsibility for them, you can apply for proxy access by filling in the Proxy Application Form, coming into the surgery with originals of documents as follows:
- ID for the child
- If the child is under the age of 11, you will need to provide a copy of the child’s FULL birth certificate.
- For children aged 11-16, a copy of a passport or photo driving license is acceptable, as well as the birth certificate.
- Photo ID for yourself
- Documents that help to prove you have parental responsibility, if you are not named on the child’s birth certificate
You do not have to live at the same address as the child to have access.
You can have proxy access for more than 1 child, and a child can have more than 1 proxy acting on their behalf.
Each proxy user named on the form needs to personally come into the surgery with original photo ID, so we may be able to their check identity.
When your online access will stop
Parent and guardian access ends when a child is 16. If your child wants or needs you to help manage their GP services when they are 16 or over, you will need to request that we set up proxy access up again.
Proxy Access on Behalf of Another Adult
Proxy access for another adult is usually given based on them requesting it themselves, or understanding and agreeing to it. Adults aged 16 and over are assumed to be able to understand and consent to their own treatment. This is called having capacity.
If the person you want to help cannot understand or agree to you acting for them, for example because of a condition such as dementia, this is called lacking capacity. We may still be able to give you access, but we will make a decision based on what is in the best interests of the person who needs help.
A person must be registered for online access at the practice where the patient they are acting for is also registered.
The process of applying for Proxy access is similar as the one above, with both adults required to fill in the relevant sections on the Proxy Application Form. We will also require to see originals of photo IDs from all parties named on the form.
Please Note
If both patient and proxy are registered at Amersham Health Centre, once access is granted, proxy will be able to access the patient’s records via the “Switch profile” section on the NHS app.

If the patient and proxy are not both registered at Amersham Health Centre, then the proxy will NOT be able to access the patient’s records via their own NHS app. They will need to log in on the NHS app with the patient’s details (as if they were the patient themselves). The patient needs to have online access granted to their own records.
If the proxy is under 13, they cannot open an NHS app account in their own name, therefore we are unable to grant proxy access.